Hello dear,I've always wanted and dreamt of the day I could give back, and share the gifts God has freely given me. This Message Board is part of that dream come true. I am happy to have you as a part of my biggest dream!Although I'm not a writer per se, I do have a lot to share and express in writing. So I also consider this 'space' a journal of my hobby - a place to express and share my faith. Welcome to my hobby!I started this blog to encourage faith-building lifestyles for readers who love making the Bible a standard for how they choose to live. I use this Message Board to express my passion for God, and celebrate together with joy and gratitude what Jesus has done for you, and me.There's a saying that when you do something without getting an income from it, it is actually a passion in your heart. I really enjoy sharing my faith with others and talking about God. Sharing our lives and listening to each other's experiences and messages encourages and strengthens us.Our Heavenly Father will lead us into a strong relationship with Him, and we will always celebrate, honor and glory Jesus and God.